Tuesday, March 25, 2025

PSA for the Blogging from A-Z Challenge 2025

The Blogging from A to Z Challenge is held every April. The challenge is to blog through the alphabet every Monday through Saturday. The “A” theme is blogged on April 1st, “B” April 2nd, etc.

I created this undated badge because I started to dislike the graphics they provided
Feel free to steal it, if you want

I've been doing it since 2015. At first, I did it on more than one blog! Insanity!
I find it a great structure for writing content on a regular basis (a problem I seem to have on ALL my blogs!)

I want to solicit some fellow style fashionistas to join in!

Look how lonely I am right now on the Official Master List, the only blogger doing "Fashion" posts.
Maybe I'll do a second series again this year... not sure yet.
Revive the "Haikus to my Closet" that I attempted in 2019? (Yikes. That long ago?)
I've recently been writing haikus for an art collab and have been enjoying it. (Find them on IG)
Hey, as long as it's entertaining, right?

More about the challenge can be found on the official Blogging from A to Z Challenge Blog.

It's a lot of fun! Give it a try! Please?

Past A-Zs

SpyGirl A-Z posts:
2015 Scarves (only did one here on SpyGirl!)

These are the posts on my Pattern blog. They're sketches and patterns of Fluevog shoes:
2016 Tartans A-Z plaids for US states and Canadian provinces
2017 #dailytruck A-Z or, coping with my commute2019 #dailytruck A-Z 
2020 Stitching the World, A-Z embroidery project

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Good Buy/Goodbye Winter Coats

It's halfway through the month (what?!) and time for an episode of Shelbee and Nancy's Good Buy/Good Bye Book. The theme this month is Winter Coats.

First, my submission, a favorite:

 See how I wore it in 2014
I have WAY too many winter coats.
Did a culling in 2023 and now they're in my Poshmark shop.

Sad to see that camel color/leopard trim one go. Can no longer wedge my arms into it.
That scarf is on Poshmark too!
Linking with
Shelbee's On the Edge

Friday, March 14, 2025

10 on the 10th on 3.14

Answering 10 questions! This is a fun monthly thing instigated by Marsha In the Middle.
To quote Marsha's prompt post:

Do you know when Pi Day is? It’s March 14 but looks better if you write it 3.14! And, that is pi to two decimals. Pi goes on to infinity which means it’s not rational. Do yourself a favor and don’t look up the definition unless you’re a math major. My daughter, who was a math major, explained that a rational number can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot. Pi is irrational because it can’t be written as a fraction! So, have at it, my friends and tell us about the ten irrational (as in not logical) things you would do! And, remember, it’s so much more fun when you give reasons for your answers!

I did some research and found 7 irrational questions from past 10 on the 10ths:






Note the trend towards CHOCOLATE!
And 2023 was a banner year for irrational questions.

Then I went to ChatGPT and asked "this or that absurd questions involving chocolate"
The Chat called it "Absurd Chocolate Dilemma":
  1. Eat a chocolate bar that tastes like broccoli OR a broccoli that tastes like chocolate?
  2. Swim in a pool of melted chocolate OR have it rain chocolate syrup for a week?
  3. Have chocolate-flavored toothpaste OR brush your teeth with melted chocolate?
  4. Wear clothes made of solid chocolate OR shoes filled with hot fudge?
  5. Only be able to eat chocolate-covered vegetables OR chocolate-covered insects?
  6. Have fingers that constantly ooze chocolate OR cry chocolate tears?
  7. Be cursed to always have chocolate melted on your hands OR never be able to taste chocolate again?
  8. Replace all the water in your house with chocolate milk OR have your furniture be made of solid chocolate?
  9. Live in a house made of chocolate that melts in the sun OR a house that constantly smells like chocolate but never has any?
  10. Have chocolate hair that you can snack on OR chocolate skin that melts in the sun?
Marsha, you are welcome to use any of these for your next "This or That" 🤣

Seventeen [a prime number] questions in all and if I must answer one...
Chocolate hair! Except I'd quickly become bald from nibbling on it all the time.